Student Parking


Undergraduate parking is very limited. 大一和大二的学生没有资格申请停车许可证.

Permit pick up is at Student Services in Lyons Hall.

Permit Types & Eligibility

有资格在校园里买车的学生必须在学校登记车辆. 详细了解以下每种许可证类型的资格要求.



CostStudent Access Areas 2024-2025Overnight Parking

Undergraduate Student Resident - Fall

Main Campus: Beacon Garage Roof (4th floor only)

Yes, must relocate for  home football games

Undergraduate Student Resident - Annual

Main Campus: Beacon Garage Roof (4th floor only)
Yes, must relocate for  home football games

Undergraduate Student 2000 Comm. Ave. - Fall

2000 Commonwealth Ave.: Parking Garage only

Undergraduate Student 2000 Comm. Ave. - Annual

2000 Commonwealth Ave.: Parking Garage only

Graduate Student

Main Campus: Mod lot, Connell Rec. Center lot, and Yawkey lot. Beacon Garage (white lined spaces on levels 1-3), Commonwealth Garage (white lined spaces on levels 2-6). St. 伊格内修斯教堂和万德斯特白线空间周一至周五上午9点至下午5点30分.

Brighton Campus: STM Library and Dance studio lot.

Newton Campus: White-lined spaces


Evening Student

Main CampusAfter 3PM only - Mod lot, Connell Rec. Center lot, and Yawkey lot. Beacon Garage (white lined spaces on levels 1-3), Commonwealth Garage (white lined spaces on levels 2-6). St. 伊格内修斯教堂和万德斯特白线空间周一至周五上午9点至下午5点30分.

Brighton Campus: After 3 p.m., STM Library lot

Newton Campus: After 3 p.m., white-lined spaces


Undergraduate Commuter Student

Main Campus: Mod lot, Connell Rec. Center lot, and Yawkey lot. Beacon Garage (white lined spaces on levels 1-3), Commonwealth Garage (white lined spaces on levels 2-6). St. 伊格内修斯教堂和万德斯特白线空间周一至周五上午9点至下午5点30分.

Brighton Campus: STM Library lot

Newton Campus: White-lined spaces


Carpool Permit

M and R areas on Main Campus and Brighton Campus

Newton campus: White-lined spaces

SUMMER$98/week or $346 full summer

Summer Permit

Main Campus: Mods, Yawkey, and Connell Rec. Center lots

Brighton Campus: STM Library lot

Newton Campus: White-lined spaces by Quonset Hut

SUMMER 2000 Comm Ave.$346 summer


Summer 2000 Comm Ave.

2000 Commonwealth Ave Parking Garage


(Residents Only)


Parking maps


Event & Other Parking Restrictions


所有车辆,包括本科生居留证车辆,必须在晚上11点前离开校园.m. the evening prior to scheduled home football games. 午夜后留在栗子山校园的车辆将被拖走. Students with resident permitted vehicles (SRF/SR2, TSR-2, 和gs -2)可以把车停在牛顿校区观看家庭足球比赛.


Lost Permits

所有丢失的许可证必须向交通和停车办公室报告,然后通过学生服务办公室获得新的许可证. 提交虚假报告将导致许可证持有人没收电子游戏软件未来的停车许可证特权.

对于遗失、被盗或放错地方的许可证,将收取35美元的补发费. 损坏的许可证将在交换原始损坏的许可证时免费更换.


Lost Proximity Cards

所有丢失的靠近卡必须向交通和停车办公室报告,然后通过学生服务办公室获得新的许可证. 提交虚假报告将导致许可证持有人没收电子游戏软件未来的停车许可证特权.

如果许可证丢失、被盗或放错地方,将收取20美元的补发费. 损坏的许可证将在交换原始损坏的许可证时免费更换.


Summer Parking

在校内工作的学生必须提供其所在院系的书面证明, including dates of employment. 这应该是系抬头的信笺,并由学生的导师签名.

Option #1

Purchase a Permit for the Summer

Summer permits are available to any student working, taking classes, or living on campus during the summer. Cost is $346 (includes overnight parking).
Parking Locations:

  • Main Campus - Mod lot and Connell lot
  • Newton Campus -  White-lined spaces
  • Brighton Campus - STM and Dance studio lot

Option #2

Purchase a Weekly Permit

最适合学生、夏令营/会议参加者和这里的工作人员参加一个夏季会议. Valid for one week after date of purchase. 如果停留时间少于整个夏天,可以购买多周的套餐吗. Cost is $98 per week (includes overnight parking).

Parking Locations:

  • Main Campus - Mod lot and Connell lot
  • Newton Campus -  White-lined spaces
  • Brighton Campus - STM and Dance studio lot


Option #3

Pay Daily Rate 

  •  Beacon和Commonwealth车库每小时收费6美元.00/hour (max of $28.00/day). Overnight parking is allowed for visitors from May 21st - August 25th, 2024.


  •  Brighton/Newton campus single-day pass is available for $8.00 at 收据必须打印并显示在车辆的仪表盘上. Not valid on Chestnut Hill campus. No overnight parking allowed.


Temporary & Break Parking


Students may store their vehicles on campus during school breaks. Temporary parking is available for Thanksgiving break, Winter break, Easter break, Spring break, and Senior week.